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Board Statement

At CLMT, sustainability is at the core of everything we do. We are committed to growing in a responsible manner, delivering long-term economic value, and contributing to the environmental and social well-being of our communities. CLMT's material environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors are aligned with CapitaLand Investment 2030 Sustainability Master Plan (SMP), which was refreshed in 2023 as part of the review by the Board of the Manager of CLMT together with Management.

The CapitaLand 2030 Sustainability Master Plan steers our efforts on a common course to maximise impact through building portfolio resilience and resource efficiency, enabling thriving and future-adaptive communities, and stewarding responsible business conduct and governance. Ambitious ESG targets have been set by CLI and adopted throughout the organisation, including CLMT. These targets include carbon emissions reduction targets validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

The Board of the Manager of CLMT is responsible for overseeing CLMT's sustainability efforts, and takes ESG factors into consideration in determining its strategic direction and priorities. The Board also approves the executive compensation framework based on the principle of linking pay to performance. The Manager's business plans are translated to both quantitative and qualitative performance targets, including sustainable corporate practices and are cascaded throughout the organisation.

CLMT's sustainability performance has been globally recognised by leading sustainability benchmarks such as GRESB. CLMT will continue to identify and adopt meaningful ESG practices and enhance sustainability in the real estate sector.

  • Group-wide Commitment and Involvement
  • Creating Value and Alignment to UN SDGs
  • Materiality
  • Managing Climate-Related Risks and Opportunities
  • Sustainability Achievements

Group-wide Commitment and Involvement


CLI Board, Management and Staff

CLI's group-wide sustainability management is under the purview of a CLI Board Committee - the Executive and Sustainability Committee (ESC), previously known as Strategy and Sustainability Committee, that is chaired by a Lead Independent Director. The CLI ESC is responsible for overseeing CLI's sustainability strategies and goals, including providing guidance to management and monitoring progress against achieving the goals of sustainability initiatives. The CLI ESC is supported by the CLI Group Sustainability department and the various work teams to drive continued progress and improvement in ESG. The work teams comprise representatives from various CLI business units and corporate functions. Each business unit has its own Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Committee to drive initiatives in countries where it operates with support from various departments.

CLMT Board, Management and Staff

The Board of the Manager considers sustainability issues as part of CLMT's strategic formulation, confirms the material ESG issues listed by the Manager and oversees the management and monitoring of the material ESG factors. The Board of the Manager determines CLMT's risk appetite, which guides the nature and extent of material risks that CLMT is willing to take to achieve its strategic and business objectives. The Manager conducts an annual Risk and Control Self-Assessment (RCSA) to assess and document ESG-relevant material risks. As part of the material risk issues being highlighted, climate change has been identified as critical. The Board is actively involved in discussions on climate-related initiatives and regularly reviews climate change risks as part of its Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Framework.

The update to the Board is conducted at the quarterly Board meetings and covers relevant climate-related topics, green capital expenditure plan, green ratings of properties, and performance metrics such as carbon emissions performance, progress on the reduction targets, as well as stakeholders' expectations on climate change. Any environmental incidents, which may include climate-related damages or disruptions, are also reported to the Board. As environmental impact factors are considered as part of the asset investment evaluation process and strategy, these are brought to the Board's attention when relevant.

On 6 June 2023, the Securities Commission Malaysia and Bursa Malaysia rolled out of a new mandatory onboarding programme on sustainability for directors of Public Listed Companies on Bursa Malaysia. The Mandatory Accreditation Programme (MAP) Part II: Leading for Impact (LIP) is an extension to the existing MAP, now known as MAP Part I under the Bursa Malaysia Main Market Listing Requirements. As at 31 December 2024, all directors of the Board of the Manager, save for the newly appointed Datin Hayati Aman Binti Hashim, have completed MAP Part I and II.

A Sustainability department led by the CEO of the Manager oversees sustainability objectives and strategies directly to ensure greater focus on sustainability and climaterelated matters for CLMT. The Sustainability Department is responsible for providing timely and regular updates on CLMT's sustainability matters and progress report on 2030 SMP to the Board of the Manager.

These updates are in relation to sustainability risks, and relevant performance metrics, which include carbon emissions performance, progress on achieving the reduction targets, green certification, human capital development, as well as stakeholders' expectations on climate change and/ or other social matters. The Sustainability Department works closely with key members from various departments including finance, investment and portfolio management, as well as operations department and technical teams of CLI in carrying out strategies and relevant activities, abiding by CLI's sustainability framework and policies. The Property Managers have an EHS Committee and an Engineering, Systems and Sustainability team whose role includes integrating sustainability into operations.

Maintaining Diversity on the Board

The Board of the Manager embraces diversity and has in place a Board Diversity Policy which provides for the Board to comprise talented and dedicated Directors with a diverse mix of expertise (including industry, domain and functional expertise), skills, experience and perspectives, with due consideration to diversity factors, including but not limited to, gender, age, ethnicity and professional background.

With respect to female representation, the Board's Nominating and Remuneration Committee (NRC) notes the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance (MCCG) 2021 target of women making up 30% of the boards and Bursa Malaysia's requirement for all public listed companies to appoint at least one women director. In its annual review of the Board's composition, the NRC expressly considers and includes a commentary to the Board about diversity in the composition of the Board. As at 31 December 2024, women representation on the Board of CMRM stood at 37%, exceeding the MCCG 2021 target, and this progress underscored the Board's commitment to fostering gender diversity.

Creating Value and Alignment to UN SDGs

As a CLI-sponsored REIT, CLMT's material ESG issues and the value created, aligned to CLI's 2030 SMP focus areas and commitments, are mapped to the International Integrated Reporting Commission (IIRC) Framework's six integrated reporting Capitals - Environmental, Manufactured, Human, Social and Relationship, Organisational, and Financial. This is further mapped against eight UN SDGs that are most aligned with CLI's 2030 SMP focus areas, and where CLI and CLMT can achieve the greatest positive impact.

The UN SDGs call on companies everywhere to advance sustainable development through the investments they make, the solutions they develop, and the business practices they adopt. In doing so, the goals encourage companies to reduce their negative impacts while enhancing their positive contributions to the sustainable development agenda.

Our Commitments 2024 Value Created  
  • Transit to low-carbon business and reduce energy consumption through improved energy efficiency, and increased use of renewable energy.
  • Reduce water consumption, reuse water, and prevent water pollution, especially in countries where the availability of clean water and sanitation are of concern.
  • Green operational portfolio by 2030.
  • Strengthen portfolio's climate resilience by addressing climate related risks and opportunities throughout the real estate lifecycle.
  • Actively embrace innovation to ensure commercial viability without compromising the environment for future generations.
  • Influence supply chain to operate responsibly in the area of environmental management through CLI's Supply Chain Code of Conduct.
  • 11.02% reduction in carbon emissions intensity (per m2 from 2019 baseline).
  • 7.85% reduction in energy intensity (per m2 from 2019 baseline).
  • 10.63% reduction in water intensity (per m2 from 2019 baseline).
  • As at end-2024, green building certifications for ~49% of portfolio gross floor area.
  • As at 31 December 2024, sustainability-linked loans of RM801.8 million account for ~37% of total debt.
  • Signed green leases with retail tenants for all new and renewed leases in FY 2024. As at 31 December 2024, about 20% of CLMT retail tenants (excluding Sungei Wang Plaza) with green lease coverage.
  • The Mines successfully obtained an allocation of 7.2 MW under the Corporate Green Power Programme and has entered into the Corporate Green Power Agreement with a solar power producer.
Environmental Capital

Manufactured Capital

  • We believe staff can make a significant contribution based on their talent, expertise and experience, regardless of ethnicity, age or gender. We adopt consistent, equitable, and fair labour policies and practices in rewarding as well as developing staff under direct hire.
  • We aim to provide a safe work environment that contributes to the general well-being of our staff, tenants, contractors, suppliers and the communities that use our properties.
  • CLI's Supply Chain Code of Conduct influences its supply chain to operate responsibly in the areas of human rights, and health and safety.
  • We are committed to activities that are aligned with our focus on community investment. We engage our stakeholders to raise awareness in the areas of philanthropy, environment, health and safety, as well as promote sustainability within the tenant community.
  • Diverse workforce (more than 260 staff).
  • Males and females at a ratio of about 50:50.
  • About 70% of workforce was aged between 30 and 50.
  • About 55% of Senior Management were women.
  • 82% staff engagement score, with 98% survey participation.
  • Over 40 training hours per staff.
  • 100% staff attended at least 1 ESG training.
  • Zero staff work-related fatality and permanent disability incidents.
  • Zero contractor work-related fatality and/or permanent disability incident.
  • No reported incidents relating to discrimination, child labour or forced labour.
  • 100%i of supply chain agreed to abide by CLI's Supply Chain Code of Conduct.
  • Retained International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 45001 certification in Malaysia.
  • CLMT and CLI Malaysia contributed RM200,000 through CapitaLand's philanthropic arm - CapitaLand Hope Foundation, worth of essential and educational supplies to support ~2,600 underserved children and low income families in Penang, Klang Valley, Pahang and Johor under the #GivingBersama4.0 initiative.
  • 186 staff tapped on the volunteer service leave to contribute 1,403 hours to participate in #GivingBersama 4.0.
Human Capital

Social and Relationship Capital

Manufactured Capital

  • We have in place a Board Diversity Policy which ensures that the Board to comprises talented and dedicated Directors with a wide mix of expertise (including industry, domain and functional expertise), skills, experience (including international experience) and perspectives. This is with due consideration to diversity in gender, age, tenure, ethnicity, culture and geographical background including nationality, as well as any other relevant aspects of diversity.
  • We are committed to meeting high standards of risk management in the way it conducts its business. All employees are required to understand and be responsible for ensuring that risks are managed effectively in their day-to-day work.
  • We require third-party service providers and vendors to adhere to anti-bribery and anti-corruption provisions.
  • CLI Supply Chain Code of Conduct influences CLMT's supply chain to operate responsibly in the area of anti-corruption.
  • About 37% of the Board were women.
  • 100% of staff attended Fraud, Bribery & Corruption awareness online training.
  • 100% of staff attended Whistle-blowing training.
  • 100% of staff attended Cybersecurity training.
Organisational Capital

Human Capital

  • Integrate CLMT's ESG performance with financial metrics.
  • CLMT raised RM801.8 million in sustainable finance in FY 2024
  • For more details, please refer to the following sections in CLMT AR 2024:
    • 2024 Highlights, page 7
    • Capital Management, page 22
Financial Capital

  1. Property maintenance and project related contracts for CLMT owned and CLI-operationally managed properties and projects. This includes supply chain complying with their own code of conduct which is equivalent or more stringent than CLI's Supply Chain Code of Conduct.



As a CLI-sponsored REIT, CLMT identifies and prioritises the management of material ESG issues that are most relevant and significant to the REIT and its stakeholders. It adopts a double materiality approach, considering issues which are material from either the impact perspective or financial perspective or both.

In 2024, CLI revalidated its ESG factors materiality with two key ESG surveys, namely DJSI and GRESB. It also referenced ESG standards and frameworks including (i) GRI standards and SASBi standards for real estate owners/developers and investment trust, (ii) International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) Standards (S1 and S2), (iii) UN Global Compact (10 Principles) & UN Principles for Responsible Investment (CLI is a signatory); and (iv) SGX Core ESG metrics and EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) questionnaire key topics.

Pursuant to the ESG factor materiality review exercise for CLI, including its listed REITs and business trusts, no changes were recommended to its ESG material issues after mapping against key ESG surveys (GRESB, DJSI), other standards/ frameworks and investor surveys.

As a CLI-sponsored REIT, CLMT is guided by CLI's materiality assessment process, where the Manager conducts regular reviews, assessments and feedback in relation to ESG topics. Potentially material ESG issues arising from activities across CLMT's value chain (including potential risks and opportunities in the immediate and longer term) are primarily identified via ongoing engagement with CLMT's external stakeholders, and reviews of sources including investor questionnaires, as well as ESG surveys, sustainability benchmarks and frameworks such as GRESB.

Identified material issues are reported in CLMT's corporate risk register through the annual Group-wide Risk and Control Self-Assessment (RCSA) exercise, which identifies, assesses and documents material risks and the corresponding internal controls to manage those risks. These material risks include fraud and corruption, environmental (e.g. climate change), health and safety, and human capital risks which are ESG-relevant. Identified material ESG issues are then prioritised based on the likelihood and potential impact of issues affecting the business continuity of CLMT. For external stakeholders, priority is given to issues important to the community and applicable to CLMT. In FY 2024, the material ESG topics that were identified were approved by the Board of the Manager for their continued relevance. For more information on CLMT's ERM and the Group-wide RCSA exercise, please refer to the Risk Management section on page 96 to 100 of CLMT AR 2024.


  Critical Moderate and Emerging
  • Climate change and emissions reduction
  • Energy efficiency
  • Water management
  • Waste management
  • Biodiversity
  • Occupational Health & Safety
  • Human capital
  • Stakeholder engagementii
  • Products and servicesiii
  • Supply chain management
  • Diversity (Board and staff)
  • Human rightsiv
  • Risk managementv
  • Business ethics

  1. Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Standards. ISSB requires companies to consider SASB industry-specific topics in absence of specific ISSB standard.
  2. This includes green leases and tenant engagement on ESG matters.
  3. This includes products and services promoting customer health and safety, and certified green buildings.
  4. This relates to the zero tolerance stance towards child/forced labour and covers CLMT staff and supply chain.
  5. This includes consideration of compliance, economic performance and cybersecurity.

(Note: indicators like Economic Performance, Market Presence and Governance are not included as they are assumed to be material for all companies. Economic Performance/Market Presence have been challenged by external parties for not being ESG indicators, and thus not included as a factor)

Managing Climate-Related Risks and Opportunities


CLMT recognises the risks that climate change can have on its portfolio and the opportunities arising from it. It aims to better understand and respond to physical risks, such as extreme weather events and rising temperature, as well as transition risks towards a low-carbon economy. Aligned with its Sponsor, CLMT is focused on low-carbon transition to mitigate transition risks, and on climate change adaption to build portfolio resilience against the physical risks from climate change.

In support of the recommendations by the TCFD, CLMT has published climate-related financial disclosures in four key areas (i. governance, ii. strategy, iii. risk management, and iv. metrics and targets) since 2021 as recommended by the TCFD.


  • The CLMT Board has specific oversight on sustainability matters, including climate-related issues for CLMT. The CLMT Board is updated quarterly during Board meetings on relevant climate-related topics including CLMT's alignment progress with CLI 2030 SMP. Discussions on the green capital expenditure plan required to meet the SMP targets (which also includes the decarbonisation targets) are conducted during an ad hoc (Special Board) meeting annually. Performance against SMP targets and Balanced Scorecard targets, including decarbonisation targets, is tracked and reported to CLMT Board.
  • CLMT's sustainability management comes under the purview of the Board of the Manager.
  • Securities Commission Malaysia and Bursa Malaysia have rolled out prescribed ESG onboarding programme on sustainability for directors of Public Listed Companies on Bursa Malaysia. As at 31 December 2024, all directors of the Board of the Manager, save for the newly appointed Datin Hayati Aman Binti Hashim, have completed the programme.


  • CLMT's strategy to identify and address climate-related risks and opportunities spans across its entire real estate life cycle.
  • CLMT factors climate-related costs and opportunities in its evaluation of new investments or capital expenditure.
  • All new investments undergo the ESIA to identify any environmental risks and opportunities. The assessment also covers performance metrics such as energy efficiency, as well as climate transition and physical risk and opportunity considerations.
  • CLI and its REITs, including CLMT, commenced its climate scenario analysis in 2022 for its global portfolio to understand how the identified climate-related risks and opportunities could impact future operations. The most recent climate scenario analysis that was the widest in coverage and deepest in impact assessment considered scenarios based on the latest global and scientific developments (scenarios from 1.5̊C to 3̊C for current to long-term time frames). The analysis guides CLI and CLMT in making informed decisions for its business with significant risk exposure, building resilience and reducing vulnerability of identified properties.

Risk Management

  • Climate change risks and opportunities are identified and managed through CLI and CLMT's externally certified ISO 14001 EMS and ERM framework. This includes an annual Group-wide Risk and Control Self-Assessment exercise to identify, assess and document material risks including relevant ESG risks, along with their key controls and mitigating measures.

Metrics & Targets

  • CLI's 2030 SMP outlines the targets and pathways for transition to a low-carbon business that is aligned with climate science. Targets to reduce energy and water usage and carbon emissions, as well as green certification targets are set for its operational assets.
  • CLMT is aligned with its Sponsor's targets found within the 2030 SMP and sustainability and climate-specific performance metrics and targets are linked to the remuneration policies for members of senior management.

As part of the 2030 SMP formulation, CLMT generally considers medium-term time frames to be until 2030, and long-term beyond 2030 in relation to the identification of climate-related risks and opportunities.

In 2023, CLI and its REITs, including CLMT, completed its climate scenario analysis for its global portfolio to understand how the identified climate-related risks and opportunities could impact future operations. The insights on both quantitative and qualitative assessments of the risks identified provide a basis for the next steps in understanding the severity of risk impacts across time horizons. CLI and its REITs, including CLMT, will continue to review their mitigation and adaptation plans and identify opportunities that align with CLI's 2030 SMP.

Sustainability Achievements


For full 2024 Sustainability Statement, please click here.

For CapitaLand Investment's Global Sustainability Report 2023, please click here.